
I'm a postdoctoral research fellow working with Prof. Luca Carlone at the MIT-SPARK Lab in the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

My main research interests lie in autonomy for intelligent mobile systems. In particular, I focus on active and passive perception in changing environments for robotic interaction and augmented reality. This includes building dense geometric and semantic representations, scene abstraction and understanding, lifelong learning and mapping, and active path and interaction planning to build these representations autonomously and in unknown environments.


Get In Touch

If you're interested in any of the topics, have questions, suggestions, ideas, comments, or just want to chat, I'm happy to get in touch! The easiest way is via email, I do my best to get back to you quickly. Please feel free reach out, looking forward to hearing from you!

  • Address

    Room 45-601N
    77 Massachusetts Avenue
    Cambridge, MA 02139, USA